Sunday, December 6, 2015

Fort Hood amino acid DEATH sentence ERROR causes Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE biochemistry military TEXTBOOK actions by Campbell / Farrell and the Fort Campbell military assignment of Syed Farook at San Bernandino

Rd-blog-number-7003 by Herb Zinser covers many things  ......
such as the chemistry and biochemistry string of murders approved by Washington DC citizen policy .... and  the  hypnotized puppets  at the Pentagon.

Let's look at the situation ...... starting with  .... Avogadro’s number messages in the news……

 Chemistry code 14 …… words …   14 years of age

Below , Nature’s system projects are LATE ….. delayed by citizen crap, musics heads, ear/mouth people  talking dribble …… etc.

chemistry WAR codes  …..  seven to 10  …number 14


Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE atomic/molecular ENGLISH language revenge
at San BERN  ……
Nature says to arrogant California   EDUCATED shit brain citizens who claim intelligence and awareness  …..


Apr 4, 2015 – A grain of sand consists of crystalline or amorphous Silicon Dioxide ( SiO2) Molecular weight of SiO2 = 60 g.
Now, Avogadro’s principle says that 60g of SiO2 should contain 6.023×10^23 molecules of SiO2.
Therefore 1g of sand or SiO2 contains : 6.023×10^23÷60g=1×10^22 molecules or 3× 10^22 atoms.

Daily News
Nov 30, 2010 – Sam HengelMarinette High School student who held classroom hostage, dies from injuries. … 15-year-oldSamuel Hengel died from a self-inflicted gun shot wound after he held a classroom hostage.
A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students and a teacherhostageatMarinette High School died …
A Wisconsin teen who held 23
A Wisconsin teen who held 23
Avogadro’s  …………..   held 23

UPDATE: STUDENT TOOK CLASS HOSTAGE 1 YEAR AGO IN ……/Report_Hostage_Situation_At_Marinette_Hi…
Nov 29, 2011 – Hengel’s son, Sam Hengel, held a class atMarinette High School …. (AP) —
The teacher held hostage with 23 students in a Wisconsin high …
The teacher held hostage with 23
The teacher held hostage with 23
Nature’s  systems …  Sartre existentialism s teacher …..
molecular HOST platform   with 23

COPS: WISCONSIN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT HAS TAKEN 23 ……/marinette-high-school-s…
The Huffington Post
Nov 29, 2010 – Student hostage Zach Campbell said the gunman seemed depressed, but …. Sam HengelMarinette High School student who held classroom .
Student hostage Zach Campbell
Student hostage Zach Campbell
Student hostage ………  Campbell bio-chemistry PRISONs  of  arrogant BRAIN  Wisconsin

above words…under 14  …  thus the acids and bases  Ph scale wars in California  ..with the brainless   RADIOHEAD citizens …..   who do no recognize the basics of their own existence.
The important chemistry and bio-chemistry  signaling EVENT above
…..  is ignored
…… below  scale o to 14 ..the Ph message for university social science humans with a Phd in BS ……
per  their C.P. SNOW….  TWO CULTURES problem. Biochemistry (Available Titles OWL … › … › Biochemistry, Inc.
Biochemistry (Available Titles OWL) 7th Edition. … This item:Biochemistry (Available Titles OWL) by Mary K.CampbellHardcover $260.12. Lecture Notebook forCampbell/Farrell’s Biochemistry, 7th by Mary K.CampbellPaperback $41.45.
7th by Mary K. Campbel
7th by Mary K. Campbel
7th by Mary K. Campbel
7th by the living EARTH cell …  expressions systems  —>
Mary –> Military Mary
K = Kentucky
Campbell –> Fort Campbell

Campbell/Farrell’s Biochemistry
Campbell/Farrell’s Biochemistry
Campbell/Farrell’s Biochemistry
CampbellFarrell’s Biochemistry applications ……
Far out

Urban Dictionary: far out
Urban Dictionary
When something is cool, you say Far Out! Often used by hippies.

What is the definition of far out? – Cambridge Dictionary…/d
Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
Nov 18, 2015 – far out definition, meaning, what is far out: strange and unusual: . … Definition of “far out” – EnglishDictionary … uk us old-fashioned slang.

Urban molecular bio-computer Dictionary:

far outfarrell  output with

Syed –> system education
Urban Dictionary
When something is cool, you say Far Out! Often used by hippies.
Campbell/Farrell’s Biochemistry
Campbell/Farrell’s Biochemistry
Campbell/Farrell’s Biochemistry
CampbellFarrell’s Biochemistry applications ……
Farook …….  in the   California bio-chemistry approval of social science ERRORS  and family schemes and violations of molecular LIMIT laws.

San Bernardino


– LA Times…/la-me-ln-sanbernardinoshootin
Los Angeles Times
21 mins ago – San Bernardino shooting live updates. … They were U.S.-born Syed Rizwan Farook

San Bernardino shooter had

DNA nitrogen military bases code  7 –>

7,000 rounds of ammo – NY ……/killer-couple-left-baby-grandma-mas…
Daily News
3 days ago – San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook and his wife amassed 7,000 rounds … View Gallery The Victims of the San Bernardino Mass Shooting On .

Nitrogenous Bases –…/base.htm…
Georgia State University
A set of five nitrogenous bases is used in the construction of nucleotides, which in turn build up the nucleic acids likeDNAand RNA.

Nitrogenous Base –
These instructions are encoded in the order of nitrogenous bases all along the DNA and RNA molecules. These bases are formed starting with either the single …

Nitrogenous base – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A set of five nitrogenous bases is used in the construction of nucleotides, which in turn build up the nucleic acids likeDNAand RNA. These nitrogenous bases …
Nature’s systems ……. word descriptions  of  bio-chemistry ANGER  processes for bull-story, arrogant California bragging newspaper reporters …….
….. A set of nitrogenous bases is used in construction of … turn build up …..
….. A set of nitrogenous bases is used in construction of … turn ……
Nature’s  molecular intellect  MILITARY build up against human  community ERRORS …..

Nitrogen 7 –> 7,000 rounds  of ammo –> am + mo –> atom  molecular  military TOOLS

San Bernardino shooter had 7,000 rounds of ammo – NY ……/killer-couple-left-baby-grandma-mas…
Daily News
3 days ago – San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook and his wife amassed 7,000 rounds … View Gallery The Victims of the San Bernardino Mass Shooting On ..
Nitrogen 14 –> 14 dead in San Bernandino  DNA and RNA war zone

Messenger RNA – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a large family of RNA molecules that convey genetic information from DNA to the ribosome, where they specify the amino acid sequence of the protein products of gene expression.

Date Set for …..rna…… Official Death Sentence in Boston ……/boston…/date-set-tsarnaevs-official…
May 28, 2015 – Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaevwill be formally sentenced to death June 24, the judge presiding over the case said Thursday.

2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting – Wikipedia ……/2013_Los_Angeles_International_…
The gunman shot TSA Officer Gerardo I. Hernandez, age 39, at the airport. …. “LAX shooting: TSA officer Hernandez bled for …..
for Carmen Ortiz of Boston and the Department of Justice rigged and biased TRIAL with deliberate omission of a lot of SCIENCE WAR   evidence

Date Set for ….. messenger  rna……  Death Sentence message  from Spanish language ETHICS supremacy of  Boston
to  the  LAX   … Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE ….
the messenger RNA LAXATIVE  spanish     TSA herRNAndez  …

Ask-a-Scientist – Fermilab Education

Ask-a-Scientist –

Mask / lies / cover-up schemes
… Atomic social Scientist –
Attend a lecture, talk to scientists and tour Fermilab. … Physicists answer questions and explain everything
from the Big Bang ( the Boston bombing)
to how a particle accelerator works (such as the Toyota automobile accelerator experiment   for Stanford  Linear Accelerator) 

… Archive of Ask-a-Scientist Lectures.
Nature’s systems ……. word descriptions  of  bio-chemistry ANGER  processes .
….. A set of nitrogenous bases is used in construction of … turn build up …..
….. A set of nitrogenous bases is used in construction of … turn ……
Nature’s  molecular intellect  MILITARY build up against human  commmunity ERRORS …..
Military sites …
DNA nitrogen –> atomic number 7 and atomic mass 14  ..signals played out at San be.RNA.ndino…… thus the DNA and RNA WAR messages for human civilziations and their citizen brain supremacy TALK and SYMBOL LIFE nonsense
messenger  RNA molecules of tsaRNAev  receive DEATH SENTENCE from the Department of Justice in Boston
DNA adenine molecule battle in Aden, Yemen with the U.S.Navy.

Navy denies existence of DNA nucleotides such as  adenine …… and Navy denies the existence of the DNA  Thymine, Adenine, Guanine (TAG ) component of the  pen.TAG.on.

Navy  seamen brain cell POETRY  … seamen focus on  semen, bedroom women and outer-space movies.

Inside the Navy superiority problems in the GEORGE ORWELL ….. OCEANIA sub-conscious MIND …. they ought surface to communications REALITY on occasion.

66 – The World in (George Orwell’s) 1984 | Big Think…/66-the-world-in-george-orwells-1984
Big Think
In George Orwell’s dystopian novel ‘1984’, the world is ruled by three superstates: Oceania covers the entire continents of America and Oceania and the British Isles, the main location for the novel, in which they are referred to as ‘Airstrip One’.

The Mind Has No Firewall –
Strategic Studies Institute

of the  USA domestic … social psychology
BRAIN WARS on TV , radio, newspapers,
and magazines

– U.S. ……/parameters/…
Strategic Studies Institute
The Mind Has No Firewall … From Parameters, Spring 1998, pp. … The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. ….. of psychotronics, parapsychology, bioenergy, bio fields, and psychoenergy;[14] and unspecified …

The amino acid military MOLECULAY  battle took place at Fort Hood Texas and Texas AM university with Robert Gates and his molecule self-awareness problems.

2009 Fort Hood amino acid WAR ….

Nature’s systems ordered shooting 

– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and …
Deaths‎: ‎13
Date‎: ‎November 5, 2009; c. 1:34 p.m. – c. …
Weapons‎: ‎FN Five-seven pistol; Smith & …
Non-fatal injuries‎: ‎33 (including the per…
Representing  NH  –> biochemistry major Nidal Hasan from Virginia Tech

Protein and Amino Acids  ...
military acids and bases --> EARTH LAB molecule base


: Physiological Optimization for
 .............logic and clear thinking ...

Nature's  ...Earth LAB site on the earth geography surface  .. a molecular platform in molecular social science behavior and molecular family thoughts
National Center for Biotechnology Information
LTC Karl E. Friedl11Karl E. Friedl,
Army Operational Medicine Research Program,
 U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command,
Fort Detrick, MD ...

Fort De  trick --> fort code trick ..  fortran BRAIN computer language code tricks

Soldier RAN on 2-legs at  the Fort ..... Fort Ran  bio-computer DEMO
at Fort (MOTHER) Hood 

The Pentagon reading test at the Fort HOOD Soldier READ CENTER for books ...

The citizen /military ....  Little READ population .......the ear/mouth talk people or the musics head  ......and their superior perceptions and ETHICAL judgements   VERSUS  those idiots with eyes that study basic math, science, and existential physics.

The Best Supplements for Special Forces Operators Doing ...
supplements for special forces, nutrition for special forces, navy seals ... Whey protein is also beneficial for replenishing lost amino acids during extreme ..

..... in other words ...

The Best IDEA Supplements for Einstein's Special Force Operators Doing work in TOE theory ...... The Theory of Everything includes you , your friends and your approval of bull-shit explanations of trgaic signaling EVENTS ...
algebra and biochemistry textbooks are good supplements for special forces, .....
that is food for thought --> in modern times .... implies symbol/ideas are input food for the brain and its need for  accurate, healthy  thoughts

nutrition for special forces, navy seals ... Whey protein is also beneficial for replenishing lost amino acids during extreme ..

Texas A&M University-Central Texas
Texas A&M University–Central Texas
Texas A&M University-Central Texas Texas A&M University – Central Texas, a member of the Texas A&M University System, is an upper-level undergraduate and graduate state university. …Killeen, TX 76549. Phone: (254) 519-5400 other words …

Texas AMino WAR zone …. University

-Central Nervous System 370

abstract brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR
Texas A&M University–Central Texas
Texas A&M University-Central Texas Texas A&M University – Central Texas, a member of the Texas A&M University System, is an upper-level undergraduate and graduate state university. …
Killeen, TX 76549. Phone: (254) 519-5400,
kill  –> amino acid ….  death orders activated……  get rid of TEXAS style  bedroom bull-stories  and bragging

Nature’s systems ……. word descriptions  of  bio-chemistry ANGER  processes .
….. A set of nitrogenous bases is used in construction of … turn build up …..
….. A set of nitrogenous bases is used in construction of … turn ……
Nature’s  molecular intellect  MILITARY build up against human  commmunity ERRORS …..
Nitrogen war –> N –> Nairobi, Kenya Africa

2013 Westgate shopping mall attack – Wikipedia
On 21 September 2013, unidentified gunmen attacked the upmarket Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The attack resulted in at least 67 deaths, and more than 175 people were reportedly wounded in the mass shooting.

On 21 September 2013, at about noon,[8][13] at least four masked assailants
On 21 September 2013, at about noon,[8][13]
at least four masked assailants[

at least four masked assailants
On 21 September 2013, at about noon,[8][13] at least four masked assailants[
O………S –> OS/JCL
–> Operating Systems software with Job Control Language  …Nature’s version modeled after  IBM system 370 OS/JCl copper wire electricity  ..main frame computer from around 1980  to  1990  with Cobol batch application programs and CICS online applications ….with SNA/ VTAM
OS –> OS / JCL   used by DNA processing systems –>   at least four DNA expression agents in humanoid format ….. NATURE’s  social policy  assailants

Per –> Periodic atomic table

Initially, the Ministry of Interior said: “It is a possibility that it is an attack by terrorists, so we are treating the matter very seriously.”[22]
Nairobi police chief Benson Kibue called the incident a “terrorist” attack and added that there were likely no more than 10 perpetrators involved.[71]
Nairobi police chief
N  air  robi police chiefNitrogen air/atmosphere for LUNG   microbiology   police chief ……
…..microbiology  military  manual with Nature’s John Locke  SOCIAL CONTRACT and social LIMIT  LAWS

Senator Billow Kerrow from Mandera County, Nairobi said:
….Nato mililitary LETTER codes  ….
….N atom  –> Nitrogen atoms attack Nairobi  LUNG output language errors

Where the Kenyan Heritage of Barack Obama Is an Asset … other words….

Where the oxyegn/nitrogen  ….

Kenyan Heritage of
O = Oxygen base map –>
…… O  ……    ba      ma  –> Obama…/where-obamasheritage-is-an-advantage-12…
Jul 21, 2015 – “Who is this American boy we are hearing about whose father is from Siaya?” asked our elderly Kenyan host, Walter Gor in April of 2004, as we …

Thus we see citizen approval and university approval  of Washington DC and their  denial of the existence of DNA and RNA ......  and their DEATH SENTENCE orders to amino acids  and messenger RNA molecules.

Aden, Yemen ........ U.S.S. Cole attacked in October year 2000 in the Adenine nucleotide wars 

Fort Hood attacked in the amino acid wars in TEXAS .......  
caused by  Texas AM social biochemistry ERRORS,  LIES and SCHEMES

Thus the lack of awareness of  the NATURE of REALITY by the  penTAGon caused Nature to create the Boston messenger RNA bombing  ......  and consequently the Department of Justice cover-up with their corrupt newspaper pals ... that have zero integrity and zero "WORD of HONOR'  for the  English living language and its standards of concept and perception accuracy ...  at least TRY to figure out what's happening.

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